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Department of Planning and Development

Creating strong neighborhoods with empowered residents.

Department of Planning and Development

Notice: Monthly meetings of the Art, City Planning, and Historical Commissions will convene in person. Learn more about our public meetings.

What we do

The Department of Planning and Development works in collaboration with communities to promote, plan, preserve, and develop successful neighborhoods for all.

Reaching these goals requires city agencies to work together with residents, businesses, developers, advocates, funders, and each other. Planning and Development has a team of agencies that do just that. Our agencies include:

We also partner with the PHDC.

Together we are charting a vibrant future for our city.


1515 Arch St.
13th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102
TTY: (215) 683-0286


  • Mar
    Historical Commission monthly meeting
    9:00 am to 2:00 pm
    1515 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA

    Historical Commission monthly meeting

    March 14, 2025
    9:00 am to 2:00 pm, 5 hours
    1515 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
    The Philadelphia Historical Commission will resume meeting in person as of its March 14, 2025 meeting. The Historical Commission’s meetings will include a hybrid component so that applicants, property owners, and the public may attend in person or remotely on Zoom. The Historical Commission and its staff will attend in person. 

    The Historical Commission meets on the second Friday of the month in Conference Room 18- 029 on the 18th Floor of the City office building at 1515 Arch Street, across from Love Park at the northeast corner of 16th and Arch Streets. Visitors to the building must go through security in the lobby, including passing through a metal detector and showing a photo ID. Once through security, take the second bank of elevators to the 18th floor. Conference Room 18-029 is straight ahead out of the elevators, at the end of the corridor that runs south.

    Historical Commission on March 14, 2025, 9:00 a.m.
    To participate on Zoom using your computer, tablet, or smartphone, click on the following link: 
    Passcode: 984086 
    To participate on the telephone, call the following telephone number: 267-831-0333 
    Webinar ID: 885 8380 1528# 
    Participant ID: # 
    Passcode: 984086#
  • Mar
    Philadelphia City Planning Commission Meeting
    1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
    1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Room 18-029 Philadelphia, PA 19102

    Philadelphia City Planning Commission Meeting

    March 20, 2025
    1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, 4 hours
    1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Room 18-029 Philadelphia, PA 19102

    Agenda, meeting materials and access information available at  

    Participate in-person:
    You can attend the City Planning Commission meeting in person. Meetings are held at:
    One Parkway Building
    1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Room 18-029
    Philadelphia, PA 19102

    Participate virtually (Zoom):
    If you have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, please join us online: You will be able to view the meeting and submit questions.

    •    The meeting will begin at 1:00 PM
    •    Zoom may ask you to add an extension to your browser before you log in.
    •    Webinar ID: 846 298 42291
    •    Passcode: 146958

    If you do not have a computer, tablet, or smartphone, please join us on your landline telephone. You will be able to listen, but not see the presentation.  
    •    Dial: +1 (267) 831-0333
       Webinar ID: 846 298 42291
    •    Passcode: 146958

    Members of the public have multiple ways to comment on agenda items. When the agenda item that you are interested in is being discussed, members in person will first have a chance to state their comment. If you attend virtually, you can use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom. If you are joining by phone, you may also use the “raise hand” feature by dialing “*9” during the public comment period.  

    Participate with written comment:
    We will also field questions and comments by email. Questions and comments must be received before noon the day before the Planning Commission meeting in order to be considered. Please send emails to: 

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