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Office of Domestic Violence Strategies

Improving the City’s response to domestic violence.

Office of Domestic Violence Strategies

What we do

The Office of Domestic Violence Strategies (ODVS) works to end domestic violence in Philadelphia. In 2016, Mayor Kenney created the ODVS to help the City’s Health and Human Services agencies improve their response to intimate partner violence. As the only City office dedicated to intimate partner violence issues, we aim to:

  • Develop safe and supportive policies for families affected by domestic violence.
  • Work with City and community agencies to ensure access to inclusive services.
  • Co-lead and provide logistical support to Shared Safety, Philadelphia’s coordinated community response to relational violence.
  • Educate City agencies and providers about what survivors of domestic violence need.


1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Suite 630
Philadelphia, PA 19102


Azucena Ugarte, Ph.D.


Azucena joined the City after working for Women Against Abuse for 11 years. As the Director of Training and Prevention, she developed education programs for community members, professionals, and youth. Azucena holds a Master of Arts in Anthropology and Education and a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality.
