Please check back for pool opening information for the 2025 season.
Outdoor pools
Parks & Rec maintains more than 60 outdoor pools in Philadelphia. Pools typically begin opening in late June.
Pool attire
By following our pool rules and proper attire guidelines, you’ll help us keep our pools clean and safe.
For those with physical disabilities
Parks & Rec is working to make our pools accessible to those of all abilities. Pool lifts are available at some outdoor pools.
These lifts provide access for anyone who needs help getting into the water. You sit on the lift seat and are then lowered into the pool. Wheelchair users must transfer out of their chair and onto the lift.
During the last pool season these locations had pool lifts:
- Christy pool — 728 S. 55th St., 19143
- Dendy pool — 1501-39 N. 10th St., 19122
- Fox Chase pool — 7901 Ridgeway St., 19111
- Hunting Park pool — 900 Hunting Park Ave., 19140
- J. Finnegan pool — 6801 Grovers, 19142
- Kelly Pool — 4231 Lansdowne Dr., 19131
- Lederer (Fishtown) pool — 1219-25 E Montgomery Ave., 19125
- Mander pool — 2140 N. 33rd St., 19121
- Penrose pool — 1101 W. Susquehanna Ave., 19122
- Pleasant pool — 6757 Chew Ave., 19119
- Simpson pool — 1010 Arrott St., 19124
- Vogt pool — 4131 Unruh Ave., 19135